AbsoluteCertificationDiplome is the first service that fully utilize
blockchain technology for qualification titles handling
Qualifications portability
Diplome it’s an ecosystem that enables full portability of qualifications: any title stored within diplome is represented by the key metadata that constitute the related qualification (e.g name of qualification, issuing date, credits, etc.) and all information related to its full international portability
Certifications Authenticity
Diplome creates an ecosystem that enhance trust in certificates authenticity: stored information is temper-proof and together with the enforcement of issuance limited to verified certification authorities by diplome‘s Oracle, stored data is guaranteed to be authentic and complete.
Diplome can be extended to new areas of certifications, as refugee’s qualifications certification, freedom of circulation for recognized professionals (Directive 2005/36/EC) and verification of personal competencies. Verified certifications can also be applied to corporations (e.g. quality certifications, etc) and also to devices ( e.g. elevator compliance certification, etc)
Why Blockchain Technology
Cost reduction
Diplome‘s blockchain exclusively stores data required to provide secure and reliable information on title’s holder qualification.
Data quality
Data are only ingested by authorized and verified Certification Authorities. Certificate issuing authority is linked directly with the stored information.
Data Control
User has full control of its own data and is the only one that can share it. User can also temporarily halt data sharing or completely remove its wallet from the service. Transaction data, being encrypted twice is not visible by any third party.
Interoperability and openness
Full data interoperability through the use of an open and widely used format (JSON), that guarantees full portability of stored information with any other IT solution. Both format and base ontology are openly available.
Data Protection
Qualification data can be stored in full-mode or just linked to an external document based on Certification Authority policy. In any case stored data is encrypted with 2 keys and to avoid unauthorized disclosure. Being blockchain systems temper-proof any modification will be impossible even from data source itself.
Open Permissioned Network
diplome works on existing open permissioned network where anyone is allowed to participate to the service but nodes are exclusively managed by trusted entities, guaranteeing therefore at the same time decentralization and security of the stored information.
If an organization already runs its own digitalized services, diplome can integrate openly with them guaranteeing a secure data exchange.
diplome is open to:
Qualificatin holder
Higher education institution
Professional certificates issuers
Cross Certification Authorities
Get your free Diplome wallet
Join the revolution! Get your personal wallet to securely store all your certificates
You still thinking why MyDiplome?
- You can manage your own qualifications or certifications in a fully digital ecosystem
- No need to bring along paper copies or original documents
- No need of certified translations when travelling abroad for business or study
To Certification Authorities
Are you official certification authority and would like to explore the possibility to provide ultimate solution for your students, to avoid frauds both during qualification verification and during the sharing process?
How it works:
- Contact Diplome at the following email address info@diplo-me.eu
- You entity will be added as Certification Authority within Diplome ecosystem
- Diplome will provide all assets required to operate your services.
- No more frauds or fake certificates using the identity of your institution
- No more need of issuing entity verification when receiving certificate
- The digital data can be processed with an automated system, no more manual verification